PDP Cohort 3 Module Three - The Luminous Bardo of Dharmata

(Month Three of the Preparing to Die Program)

In the third month of the program, you will have the opportunity to delve into the most profound of all three bardos.

This is the luminous bardo of dharmata, and it presents a chance for you to awaken to the true nature of your mind.

During this bardo, the raw and naked nature of your mind is revealed in its true form. This is a phenomenon that is the same for everyone, yet uniquely experienced by each individual. Without any conceptual or cultural influences clouding your mind, you will have the chance to experience the thermonuclear power of your awakened mind. All heaven breaks loose in this bardo. The question is: can you contain this much divinity? If so, this is a rare opportunity that changes everything.

By studying and practicing the teachings of this program, you will greatly increase your chances of recognizing and realizing the intrinsic awareness and enlightened nature of your mind during this bardo. This realization is the key to achieving enlightenment.

Topics in this month's teaching will include:

  • What is the dharmata?
  • The 100 peaceful and wrathful deities
  • Meditations that prepare for this bardo
  • How to meet the deities in daily life
  • The role of sleep yoga
  • The power of habit / karma in this bardo
  • How to handle all the light and space
  • The role of luminosity and emptiness in this bardo
  • The central players of contraction and expansion
  • Death as the Grand Opening

It’s important to note that without familiarity with the nature of mind, it will be experienced as nothing at all, or in other words, you will black out. It’s similar to the black out of deep dreamless sleep. Without an understanding of the subtle states of mind revealed in this bardo, it can be easily missed.

But don’t worry, despite the complexity of this bardo, the meditations that prepare us for it are simple and relaxing. With the guidance and support of this program, you can be confident in your ability to navigate this powerful and transformative experience, and emerge from it with a new perspective on life and a deep understanding of your true nature.