PDP Cohort 3 Module Two - The Karmic Bardo of Becoming

(Month Two of the Preparing to Die Program)

In this second month of the Preparing to Die Program, you will learn about the rebirth or transition process into your next incarnation.

Even though the second bardo is the luminous bardo of dharmata, three of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism don’t teach this second bardo, because it is so subtle and profound, and because most people will not experience it. We will return to the bardo of dharmata in the third trimester better prepared to understand it (and therefore more likely to experience it) if we go through the teachings on the karmic bardo of becoming first.

The karmic bardo of becoming is a crucial state in which the power of thought and habit becomes the most significant factor. By understanding this bardo, you can learn how to direct the winds of karma to your advantage and control your mind in the face of developing panic. Developing stability of mind through the practice of shamata meditation is essential for navigating this bardo, and the degree to which you can control your mind now will determine your ability to withstand the onslaught of your thoughts in the bardo.

Topics in this month's teachings will include:

  • The role of phowa or “transference of consciousness”
  • The power of mantra
  • The place of Pure Land practice
  • Voluntary vs involuntary rebirth
  • The six realms
  • Typical experiences in this bardo
  • The role of dream yoga in this bardo
  • What should we do in this bardo?
  • Instructions from The Tibetan Book of the Dead
  • The bardo of becoming in daily life

The bardo of becoming is like a cosmic Pandora’s Box, filled with the contents of your own mind, your karma. If you’re unprepared, this is the bardo where all hell breaks loose, and the confused dimensions of your mind come to the surface. Just like in a dream, your habits then take control. By studying this bardo, you will be equipped to face the urge to run away from yourself and take refuge in a new solid body. With this knowledge, you can direct your winds of karma (habit) toward a fortunate realm of existence, and wake up into your next life with awareness and intention. Studying this bardo offers the opportunity to gain greater control over your thoughts, actions, and future lives, and move towards greater enlightenment.